Chicago Anarchist Black Cross
Support Black Anarchist Organizer and Author Hybachi LeMar after his Sentencing and Transfer
Categories: General

From Hybachi LeMar support site

Hybachi LeMar has been sentenced to three years in prison: after enduring over six months pretrial detention and transfers through Cook County Jail and Stateville NRC, he has now landed at Jacksonville Correctional Center, where it is expected he will remain until his parole date in November 2024.

None of us are free until all of us are free; and an injury to one is an injury to all: We’re asking for community support for Hybachi LeMar in raising commissary and phone funds to help him survive this last year behind bars.

Hybachi extends his love and solidarity to all those who has had his back through these harsh times. Despite the difficulties of lockdowns and communication blackouts, he has stayed strong and active throughout his incarceration and has delivered numerous statements from behind bars available on his website Be sure to check out his latest, “In the Flickering of the Light”.

Besides holding down networks of solidarity and struggle, Hybachi offers to the community poetry, oration, and story telling. He helps remind us to grow our capacity for risk through reimagining and reflecting on the internal, spiritual, and collective forces that grow our potential. He continues his work from the inside by holding study groups and continuing to write.

Another way to show support is to purchase a copy of his book “The Anarchybalion” from the IWW Store – released on the day of his arrest last May.

You can send a message to Hybachi using the form on his website or by sending a letter to this address which will be forwarded to him: Hybachi LeMar c/o Midwest Books to Prisoners / 1321 N Milwaukee Ave PMB 460 / Chicago, IL 60622  Or by sending a scanned or typed letter to Mwbooks2prisoners at

You can donate to Hybachi LeMar through the following accounts:

venmo: @ChicagoIWOC
cashapp: @ChicagoIWOC


Solidarity with Hybachi LeMar

Ways to Support Hybachi LeMar

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