Chicago Anarchist Black Cross
Categories: General | Comments Off on Running Down The Walls 2024

🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴 RUNNING DOWN THE WALLS 2024 Sunday September 15th – MCC Chicago (71 W Van Buren) 5pm: Rally, march, 5K marathon run/walk/bike/roll 7pm: Music by Glutton for Insurrection, Flowering, Nocturnal Prose (San Antonio), DJ Anarchotech, mach3t3 afilado, cutieademon, + TBA Join us outside that brutal downtown fed joint MCC Chicago for this year’s Running Down […]

Categories: General | Comments Off on Phone Zap: Stop Solitary Confinement at Putnam County Jail

UPDATE 6/14: Thanks everybody for calling – the phone zap successfully pressured them to release the three from solitary confinement and into general population! ⚡ 📲 PHONE ZAP! ⚡ 📲 Need your support! Three people enduring solitary confinement in the Putnam County Jail of so-called Florida (Micccosukee, Seminole, Timucua, and Mascogo land) BACKGROUND Our transfem, […]

Categories: General | Comments Off on Leonard Peltier Parole Hearing

UPDATE :A statement from Leonard Peltier about the US Parole Commission denying his parole “Greetings my Friends, Family, Loved Ones and Supporters. Hope is a hard thing here. But I always hold hope in you, My People. Pay attention. The parole decision on July 11 may show you what justice truly means to this nation […]

Categories: General | Comments Off on Free Marius Mason

Check out Marius Mason’s 2024 statement for June 11 and an action item demanding proper healthcare and gender-affirming surgery. More information on how to support Marius at his support site. Dear Family and Friends, Thank you for coming together to support all anarchist prisoners still kept from freedom. Your positivity and encouragement have meant the […]

Categories: General | Comments Off on Call for Action and Solidarity: Jorge “Yorch” Esquivel Sentenced to 7 1/2 Years

From An update on the sentencing of anarchist prisoner Jorge “Yorch” Esquivel and a call for action and solidarity Urgent call for solidarity! On Monday, June 3, 2024, one day after the elections and five days from marking 18 months of being kidnapped in the Reclusorio Oriente as part of the set up against […]

Categories: General | Comments Off on June 11: Day of International Solidarity with Long-term Anarchist Prisoners

June 11, 2024: No Separate Worlds More information at We once again approach June 11th, a day of remembrance and active solidarity, in a world of multiple crises and struggles for liberation. All of these are interconnected; there are no separate worlds. Across borders, languages, contexts, and identities, both catastrophes and victories of spirit […]

Categories: General | Comments Off on Solidarity Is Our Weapon Against Repression

Through occupations, marches, and direct action, the people are rising up and taking bold and imaginative action to escalate the disruption against the genocide in Palestine. The system is responding with the full repressive apparatus, pushing copaganda and counterinsurgency while militarized IOF-trained police attack crowds with physical brutality and mass arrests.   Chicago Anarchist Black […]

Categories: General | Comments Off on Resources for Resisting Repression

We are sharing some resources we found helpful in navigating repression and arrest, hoping that by demystifying their legal systems, we may dispel our fears and inhibitions, becoming fully prepared to take smarter and bolder action. “Tilted Guide to Being a Defendant” (Tilted Scales Collective) “Know Your Rights” (National Lawyers Guild Chicago) “Health and Safety at […]

Categories: General | Comments Off on Chicago Anarchist Black Cross

Breaking Through Borders and Prison Walls Building Bridges of Solidarity A new Chicago Anarchist Black Cross is forming to strengthen networks of resistance and defend those facing state repression. Having each other’s backs grows our collective capacity for revolutionary action so that we may break free from prison society. We are down with all those […]

Categories: General | Comments Off on Support Black Anarchist Organizer and Author Hybachi LeMar after his Sentencing and Transfer

From Hybachi LeMar support site Hybachi LeMar has been sentenced to three years in prison: after enduring over six months pretrial detention and transfers through Cook County Jail and Stateville NRC, he has now landed at Jacksonville Correctional Center, where it is expected he will remain until his parole date in November 2024. None […]